Step into a magical world at the Isrotel Sport Club’s Kiddos Club, where every corner is packed with fun activities just for kids: storytime, arts & crafts workshops, toddlers’ corner, puppet shows, computer games, toys, and more. The club is located within the pool complex.
Older children and teens are invited to step into the Playzone – an innovative multimedia room at the entrance to the hotel, outfitted with the latest gaming systems, PlayStation VR, and more. There’s simply nothing better than a vacation filled with new friends and endless tournaments!
Entry is free to Isrotel Sport Club guests only.
Opening Hours: Daily, 10:00am-6:00pm (until 8:00pm in summer)
Step into a magical world at the Isrotel Sport Club’s Kiddos Club, where every corner is packed with fun activities just for kids: storytime, arts & crafts workshops, toddlers’ corner, puppet shows, computer games, toys, and more. The club is located within the pool complex.
Older children and teens are invited to step into the Playzone – an innovative multimedia room at the entrance to the hotel, outfitted with the latest gaming systems, PlayStation VR, and more. There’s simply nothing better than a vacation filled with new friends and endless tournaments!
Entry is free to Isrotel Sport Club guests only.
Opening Hours:
Daily, 10:00am-6:00pm (until 8:00pm in summer)